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Hiss’s Indictment — Illegal?

Relevance: 32%      Posted on: August 25, 2015

"Not Guilty as Charged: A Revised Verdict for Alger Hiss"  By Robert L. Weinberg Whittaker Chambers accused Alger Hiss of having committed espionage, but the 1948 grand jury considering this allegation in 1948 could not charge him with that crime - even if its members believed him guilty of it. There was good reason for that. Doing so would have violated the statute of limitations which was put in place to protect the innocent, not to help the

The Grand Jury Minutes

Relevance: 32%      Posted on: August 26, 2013

Two grand juries heard Hiss case testimony: the first indicted Hiss on the last day of its existence (December 15, 1948). The second grand jury, impaneled December 16, 1948, continued to question Chambers and other Hiss case witnesses. Release of the Hiss case grand jury minutes in 1999 was an extraordinary event in American legal history. Over the past two centuries, only a handful of federal grand jury transcripts have been made public – so…

Frank Wilkinson

Relevance: 31%      Posted on: January 31, 2013

Outfoxing the FBI Frank Wilkinson, a longtime civil liberties activist, was a public housing official and social worker who became active in the movement to abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee. He was sentenced to a year in prison for refusing to answer questions before HUAC in 1958. He wrote this piece in January 2001.  In 1962, on completion of our one-year prison sentence for contempt of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, we were…

Anna Spiegel (II)

Relevance: 31%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

Anna Spiegel's entire grand jury testimony on February 3, 1949. ANNA SPIEGEL, called as a witness, having first been duly sworn by the Foreman, testified: Q. Mrs. Spiegel, what is your address? A. 5104 Sunset Road. Q. Where? A. Baltimore, Maryland. Q. Mrs. Spiegel, you are appearing before this grand jury in response to a subpoena, is that correct? A. That's right. Q. With reference to your appearance before this grand jury, have you retained…

Founding the United Nations

Relevance: 31%      Posted on: October 12, 2015

This wide-ranging 1990 interview with Alger Hiss is part of the United Nations Oral History Collection, and was made available to this website courtesy of the United Nations. It covers the ground-breaking events in which Hiss took part, and the people with whom he worked. The interviewer, James S. Sutterlin, was the State Department's Director of Policy Planning and then its Inspector General during the Nixon administration, and later himself worked at the UN for thirteen…

William Spiegel (I)

Relevance: 30%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

Excerpts from William Spiegel's grand jury testimony on February 3, 1949.  February 3, 1949 WILLIAM SPIEGEL, called as a witness, having first been duly sworn by the Foreman, testified: Q. Would you briefly tell the grand jury when you first met Zimmerman... A. Well, we met David Zimmerman [a.k.a. David Carpenter], I would say in the very early years of our marriage. We were living in Baltimore, and I don't remember specifically how I met…

Joan Brady’s America’s Dreyfus

Relevance: 30%      Posted on: December 19, 2015

The Hiss case “is probably the biggest and longest-lasting cover-up in history,” Joan Brady told an interviewer from The Guardian shortly after her 2015 book, America’s Dreyfus: The Case Nixon Rigged, was published in England (an American edition, from Arcade Publishing, is scheduled for the fall of 2016). People find the case “terrifyingly complex,” she notes elsewhere. “But if you start right at the beginning, you can see that it’s just a hunt. It’s one…

Maurice deG. Ford, 1975

Relevance: 29%      Posted on: December 10, 2015

"The Reinstatement of Alger Hiss," a previously unpublished article by Maurice deG. Ford written in 1975. At nine on the morning of May 9, 1975, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts heard oral argument on the petition of Alger Hiss for readmission to the bar. Twenty-five years had elapsed since his conviction of perjury on the testimony of Whittaker Chambers at the height of the McCarthy era. The Hiss case had been the vehicle which Richard Nixon,…

Yalta: Modern American Myth

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: February 4, 2013

By Alger Hiss (The Pocket Book Magazine, November 1955) America, lacking its own medieval and classical mythology, has compensated by creating rather more than its share of latter-day myths. Pocahontas, Ponce de Leon, Paul Bunyan, Barbara Fritchie, and dozens more - each period of our history and each region has its legendary figures. Tales of witchcraft in colonial New England have vied for popular favor with legends of piratical brutishness on the Spanish Main. It…

Amy Knight (2000)

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: September 4, 2013

The New York Times calls Amy Knight, an American historian of Russia and the Soviet Union, "the West's foremost scholar" of the KGB. The author of numerous books, including How the Cold War Began: The Igor Gouzenko Affair and the Hunt for Soviet Spies, she was for 18 years a specialist in Soviet and Russian affairs at the Library of Congress. In this essay for The Wilson Quarterly, she assesses a series of post-Soviet books…

Gumpert’s Affidavit

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: August 26, 2013

Author Martin Gumpert’s supporting affidavit, dated January 3, 1952, that was submitted with the 1952 Motion for a New Trial in the Hiss case.   Supporting Affidavit of Martin Gumpert STATE OF NEW YORK, CITY OF NEW YORK  COUNTY OF NEW YORK   MARTIN GUMPERT, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a physician duly licensed to practice in the State of New York, and I am the author of several books published in…

Chambers’ Crisis

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: August 13, 2013

In February 1949, while he was being interviewed daily by the FBI in preparation for his appearance at Alger Hiss's perjury trial, Whittaker Chambers learned that Hiss's investigators had received reports about Chambers' sexual history. In response, Chambers reluctantly gave at least two statements to the FBI on the subject, one handwritten, another oral and transcribed by FBI agents. The latter was not signed, and neither statement was disclosed to the defense, even though there…

William Spiegel (II)

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

William Spiegel's entire grand jury testimony on February 3, 1949. WILLIAM SPIEGEL, called as a witness, having first been duly sworn by the Foreman, testified: Q. Mr. Spiegel, will you give your residence address and your business address? A. My residence is 5104 Sunset Road, Baltimore, Maryland, and business is 1050 South Paca St., Baltimore, Maryland. Q. Mr. Spiegel, you are here in response to a subpoena, isn't that correct? A. That is right. Q.…

Volkogonov (Interview)

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

An interview about the Hiss case with Russian Historian Dmitri A. Volkogonov by John Lowenthal, Washington, DC, November 11, 1992. Dmitry Volkogonov’s October 14, 1992 statement to Lowenthal that accusations that Alger Hiss had been a Soviet agent were “completely groundless” caused something of a firestorm, when supporters of former President Richard Nixon and of Whittaker Chambers called his search incomplete (“Either he has divulged only a fraction of what he knows or he has…

Retranslating Venona 1822

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

An annotated translation of Venona Cable #1822 by Svetlana Chervonnaya   Verbatim translation of the released Russian text [1] Original Venona translation The Haunted Wood editing (p. 269, note) WASHINGTON to MOSCOW No. 1822, 30 March 1945 From: WASHINGTON To: MOSCOW No: 1822 30 March 1945 In addition to our cable No. 28 [2] as result of the conversation «[p ya]» [3] with «Ales» it was ascertained: "Further to our telegram No. 283. As a…

Volkogonov (Letter)

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

Russian Historian Dmitri Volkogonov's 1992 Letter to John Lowenthal PEOPLE'S DEPUTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 1990-1995 Esteemed Mr. Lowenthal! Once again I inform you and ask you: please convey to Mr. A. Hiss the following: On his and your request, I carefully studied many documents from the archives of the intelligence services of the USSR as well as various information provided for me by the archive staff. On the basis of a very careful analysis of all the

Victor S. Navasky (1978)

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: December 13, 2015

The 1978 publication of Allen Weinstein's Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case was seen by many members of the press and other reviewers as the final word on the case, a scholarly demonstration that Alger Hiss was guilty as charged. However, when Victor Navasky of The Nation checked Weinstein's sources, he found inconsistencies, historical inaccuracies, and quotes from sources who said that Weinstein had misquoted them. "Allen Weinstein's Perjury: The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss" by Victor S. Navasky The

Jeff Kisseloff (2003)

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: December 13, 2015

  Editor's Note: Re Error No. 4, described above, new information is now available. The text of the review says, “Levine, who played a crucial (and still mysterious) role in developing Chambers' story, years later was shown to be a falsifier of evidence: he claimed to have a document showing that Stalin had once been an agent of the Czarist secret police; the document proved to be a forgery.” In fact, Levine bought that document (so…

Noel Field (Klingsberg)

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: August 14, 2013

"Case Closed on Alger Hiss?" by Ethan Klingsberg (The Nation, November 8, 1993) On Meredek Street high in the hills overlooking Budapest, construction of attractive homes for the first wave of post-Communist nouveau riche is busily under way. One old socialist-style block home stands out on the street: the heavily fortified No. 38. Currently, the speaker of Hungary's Parliament lives there. But in the late 1950s, this was home to Noel Field, one of the

Family Photo Album

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: May 9, 2011

Here you will find two photo collections devoted to pictures of Alger, his family and friends, and the career milestones in his public and private life. A third photo collection, which focuses more specifically on the Hiss case and its aftermath, is included in the Media section of this website.   Family Photo Album   Alger Hiss's Life and Career