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British Pathé

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: December 17, 2015

The British Pathé archive include a selection of period newsreels offering the European perspective on the second American Red Scare:

Timothy Hobson

Relevance: 62%      Posted on: December 17, 2015

A Talk by Dr. Timothy Hobson (two parts) At the April 5, 2007 conference on Alger Hiss and History at NYU, Hiss's stepson, speaking publicly on the Hiss case for the first time, delivered a firm rebuke to those who say his stepfather was guilty. "I was there," Dr. Timothy Hobson said. "Chambers wasn't."

John Lowenthal

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: December 17, 2015

“The Trials of Alger Hiss” (1980), John Lowenthal, director Lowenthal, a former law professor and student of the Hiss case, blends archival footage with original research and interviews with Hiss and other participants to re-examine the case and the evidence presented in court.

Joan Brady’s America’s Dreyfus

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: December 19, 2015

The Hiss case “is probably the biggest and longest-lasting cover-up in history,” Joan Brady told an interviewer from The Guardian shortly after her 2015 book, America’s Dreyfus: The Case Nixon Rigged, was published in England (an American edition, from Arcade Publishing, is scheduled for the fall of 2016). People find the case “terrifyingly complex,” she notes elsewhere. “But if you start right at the beginning, you can see that it’s just a hunt. It’s one…

“Stepping Out of the Shadows,” The Washington Post, 2007

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: December 25, 2015

Timothy Hobson is featured in a story in the The Washington Post, April 5, 2007:      

The Venona Cables

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: August 26, 2013

Venona was the code name for a partially successful and for many years top-secret U.S. counterintelligence operation begun in the middle of World War II by a forerunner of the National Security Agency and greatly expanded during the early years of the Cold War. Its aim was to intercept, decipher, and translate coded messages between Moscow headquarters and Soviet intelligence stations in a number of countries around the world. By the late 1940s, U.S. cryptographers…

Chambers, August 1946

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: August 26, 2013

The following is a memorandum written by Raymond Murphy, Chief Security Officer of the State Department, recounting his second interview with Whittaker Chambers. Memorandum of Conversation, August 28, 1946 The Communist underground in Washington is believed to have been set up sometime in 1933, after the inauguration of President Roosevelt. My informant does not know how or when it was set up, but he believes that Harold Ware had a prominent part in creating the…

Eric Alterman

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: September 4, 2013

In "I Spy With One Little Eye" (The Nation, April 29, 1996), journalist Eric Alterman examined the level of scholarship of some of those saying that released Soviet files and Venona decrypts automatically corroborate the espionage charges leveled in the 1940s against Alger Hiss and others.  Here we go again. New York Post editor Eric Breindel, writing in The New Republic and The Wall Street Journal, insists that the recent release by the National Security Agency…

Chambers Before HUAC

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: August 13, 2013

Whittaker Chambers' August 7 Testimony Before HUAC (Annotated Version) Mr. NIXON Mr. Chambers, you are aware of the fact that Mr. Alger Hiss appeared before this committee, before the Un-American Activities Committee, in public session and swore that the testimony which had been given by you under oath before this committee was false. The committee is now interested in questioning you further concerning your alleged acquaintanceship with Mr. Alger Hiss so that we can determine…

“Gorsky’s List” (II)

Relevance: 11%      Posted on: November 30, 2015

By Dr. Svetlana A. Chervonnaya I.  Some considerations on the document's origin: The text discussed here was discovered by Dr. David Lowenthal, among the papers of his late brother, John Lowenthal. It consisted of several pages of handwritten notes in Russian that, in 2002, Alexander Vassiliev, the Russian co-author with Allen Weinstein of The Haunted Wood (1999), produced in London in the course of his libel case, Vassiliev v. Frank Cass & Co., Ltd. (Jury…

Amy Knight (2000)

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: September 4, 2013

The New York Times calls Amy Knight, an American historian of Russia and the Soviet Union, "the West's foremost scholar" of the KGB. The author of numerous books, including How the Cold War Began: The Igor Gouzenko Affair and the Hunt for Soviet Spies, she was for 18 years a specialist in Soviet and Russian affairs at the Library of Congress. In this essay for The Wilson Quarterly, she assesses a series of post-Soviet books…

The Nation, 1980

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: August 26, 2013

“Alger Hiss – A Whole New Ballgame,” by Fred J. Cook (The Nation, October 18, 1980) Although it received little press attention at the time, the 168-page memorandum of law filed in July in Federal District Court in Manhattan by the attorney for Alger Hiss, thirty years after his conviction for perjury, contains the most shocking revelations yet. As Hiss attorney Victor Rabinowitz pointed out in oral argument in September, documents obtained from Government files under…

Retranslating Venona 1822

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: September 3, 2013

An annotated translation of Venona Cable #1822 by Svetlana Chervonnaya   Verbatim translation of the released Russian text [1] Original Venona translation The Haunted Wood editing (p. 269, note) WASHINGTON to MOSCOW No. 1822, 30 March 1945 From: WASHINGTON To: MOSCOW No: 1822 30 March 1945 In addition to our cable No. 28 [2] as result of the conversation «[p ya]» [3] with «Ales» it was ascertained: "Further to our telegram No. 283. As a…

The Vassiliev Notebooks

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: November 28, 2015

The following article, “Anatoly Gorsky’s Lessons, or In Search of a Path Through The Haunted Wood,” is by Dr. Svetlana A. Chervonnaya, who holds a Ph.D. in American history; she is a Russian freelance writer, researcher, and TV documentary producer, and maintains an extensive Cold War website, The genesis for this article was the 2002 London libel action that Alexander Vassiliev brought against John Lowenthal on the basis that “Venona and Alger Hiss,” Lowenthal’s 2000 article in…

The Marshall Plan

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: February 4, 2013

Of all the world’s nations, only the United States emerged from the war in a strong economic position, and thus the responsibility to end the suffering of its allies - and even of its former enemy - fell to the U.S. Two years after Germany’s defeat, the devastation of World War II was still exacting its toll throughout Europe. Factories that had been bombed or shuttered were still closed down. Raw materials were unavailable. There…

The FBI Clears Donald Hiss

Relevance: 7%      Posted on: August 25, 2015

By Jeff Kisseloff Alger Hiss was not the only Hiss accused by Whittaker Chambers of having had Communist Party ties in the 1930s. According to Chambers, Donald Hiss, Alger's younger brother by two years, was both a Party member and active in the communist underground. Chambers, however, never charged Donald Hiss with espionage, and for that reason his accusations against Donald Hiss have never received the same level of attention and scrutiny as his more…

Charge and Countercharge

Relevance: 7%      Posted on: August 13, 2013

This succinct synopsis of the highly complex Hiss case is excerpted from Hiss's 1978 coram nobis petition to have his case reopened. It was prepared by Victor Rabinowitz, who represented him in this action. On August 3, 1948, Whittaker Chambers testified at a hearing of the House Un-American Activities Committee that Alger Hiss, while he was a government employee, had been a member of an "underground" group of the Communist Party from 1934 to 1937.…

Framing a Guilty Man?

Relevance: 7%      Posted on: December 5, 2015

Stephen W. Salant, professor of economics at the University of Michigan and a longtime student of the Hiss case, in 2010 published "Successful Strategic Deception: A Case Study," a highly original online essay about the case based on years of research. Deception raised a never-before-explored possibility that, operating behind the scenes, the U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps, convinced of Hiss’s guilt but concerned that he might be acquitted, had authorized a “dirty tricks,” clandestine disinformation campaign…


Relevance: 6%      Posted on: May 9, 2011

  1904 November 11 - Alger Hiss is born in Baltimore, Maryland.   1906  December 15 - Donald Hiss, Alger's younger brother, is born, also in Baltimore.   1907  April 7 - Hiss's father, Charles Alger Hiss, dies in Baltimore.   1924  Summer - Hiss meets Priscilla Harriet Fansler (b. October 13, 1903), a Bryn Mawr graduate, on a student boat trip to Europe. However, she soon marries Thayer Hobson.   1926  June - Alger Hiss graduates from Johns Hopkins University. September - Hiss enters Harvard Law…

Gumpert’s Affidavit

Relevance: 5%      Posted on: August 26, 2013

Author Martin Gumpert’s supporting affidavit, dated January 3, 1952, that was submitted with the 1952 Motion for a New Trial in the Hiss case.   Supporting Affidavit of Martin Gumpert STATE OF NEW YORK, CITY OF NEW YORK  COUNTY OF NEW YORK   MARTIN GUMPERT, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a physician duly licensed to practice in the State of New York, and I am the author of several books published in…