Audio Clips

Studs Terkel interviews Alger Hiss on his memoir “In the Court of Public Opinion,” WFMT, Feb. 17, 1973

Richard Barr interview with Alger Hiss on the founding of the United Nations, WBAI, 10/29/85 (part 1 of 2)

Richard Barr interview with Alger Hiss on the founding of the United Nations, WBAI, 10/29/85 (part 2 of 2)

Malcolm Cowley, a noted literary historian, recalls a conversation he had with Whittaker Chambers in 1940, in which Chambers named Francis B. Sayre, Alger Hiss’s boss in the Trade Agreements Division of the State Department, as the head of the Communist underground. Cowley had recorded the conversation with Chambers in his diary and testified about it for the defense at both trials.

Whittaker Chambers told HUAC that Alger Hiss was deaf in one ear. Here, Alger Hiss responds: